
A huge social topic in nursing nowadays is therapeutic relationships in nursing or if nurses have enough time to create healthy relationships with the patients they take care of. There are many different circumstances in the medical field that can affect these kinds of situations. Here is a look into some of the difficulties nurses face trying their best to be altruistic in the duties of their job. 


In many Medical Networks, Nurses are one of the most needed positions in the scope of what hospitals do. The cause of that is increasing conditions in patients and the need for more staff. Most hospitals try the best they can but unfortunately become understaffed anyways. Nurses want to be able to create a meaningful space for their patients to feel cared for and heard, and understaffing creates a problem for this because nurses have to rush through their patients in order to get their work done for the entirety of their shift. 

Work Processes

Expounding off of being understaffed, because of being understaffed, many work processes have to be sped up, because the market for hospitals and patients is always increasing. Nurses don’t get the time to converse with their patients, calm them, love on them and maybe even be there for their patients emotionally. There are a large number of patients that dont have family members to rely on so being in a hospital by themselves is very daunting. Having a nurse with them to calm them and conversely helps the patient relax in a sometimes stressful environment. 

A Benefit of Being a Nurse

One of the benefits of being a nurse is being able to fulfill roles in different hospitals and practices. There will always be a need for staffing. Nurses can easily switch positions and look for other opportunities in multiple areas of the medical field. Where there is a need, the position can be filled. This allows nurses to be in even smaller practices where they can easily tend to and spend more time with patients, allowing them to truly provide the best care.

Whether it’s being a Nurse at a large networked hospital, or smaller practices, the function of a nurse is extremely vital in carrying out daily medical practices. Nurses are just as important as any other job in the medical field. They are essential for the continued success of Doctors, Practitioners and Medical Networks alike. Learn more about Therapeutic Relationships in Nursing.

For more information about RN, CNA’s, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here..

In the medical industry, there are many work options for nurses and other healthcare professionals. We’ll be talking about the different locations a nurse can apply their skills in and help patients. The employment world for nurses is vast.


A popular prospect for Nurses is hospitals, this could be because they’re always hiring. Another great reason for job placement at a hospital is the experience right out of Nursing School. Usually, there are many different departments within a hospital that nurses can apply for. Some positions in different departments require a specialty certification and some don’t. The ones that don’t require much experience are outpatient positions. This means that if you’re a nurse working in this position, you’ll be dealing with patients before a procedure/ after the procedure is complete. 


Practices and their function for patients are extremely diverse. Anything from Endocrinology, to Neurology, nurses have a wide variety to choose from when considering working for a practice. Typically you usually need work experience before you apply for practice because they are so specialized. Here, you’ll be taking care of patients in the same way you do a hospital but you’ll be familiarized with the procedures of the practice.

Assistant Positions

Assistant positions work differently where you can go to school for only a few years and assist many medical professionals in different fields. Popular assistant positions are dentist assistants, orthodontic assistants, and other miscellaneous practices. The certification for these positions takes far less time but usually pays much less than a nurse would get paid. 

Whether you’re thinking about becoming an assistant or a Nurse, there are many options for you to choose from once you have completed certification. 

For more information about RN, CNAs, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here

Nurse Managers can help nurses that may be struggling with PTSD.

nurse jobs


Nurse managers, as leaders know that great leadership comes with being aware of your team and being supportive. With the stress of Covid-19, many nurses are struggling and will struggle in the upcoming months from the weight that has been on their shoulders. As a leader, your job is to work your way through the muck of catastrophic encounters to see the humanness of stress and react to it. Right now, many nurses are experiencing traumatic stress that can lead to PTSD.

At this time, more than ever, our team wants us to realize that this coronavirus encounter has shaken our world. 
Not only are our workers worried, long-term equipment shortages and long hours of work, they also face intense 
tension and concern about what’s going on in their personal world.

Learn more about a few ways to support your staff by mitigating the stress!

  • Recognize that all nurses hold this human condition together; together, we will build hope.
  • Maintain understanding to support workers to be mindful of stress do not ignore to encourage us not to reject stress
  • Understand and inspire nurses to monitor everything. Encourage opportunities for nurses to assist their workers in such difficult times.
  • If necessary, give some time to heal from stress; receive advice from the team on how to execute program. 
    One unit created “walk across the parking lot” break by establishing break buddies to follow them from secure distance. Nurses are very creative!
  • Enable the imagination of the team to generate solutions that can help to alleviate everyday tension. 
    My recommendation is to write publication. Would the Critical Care Clinical Paper be? Probably. 
    reasonable starting point will be to send all the workers little journal to report at least one of three items that went well in their change. Or have whiteboard in the breakroom so the workers will express their positive feelings on the transition.
  • Know for everything you’re doing for your employees, you do need to do for yourself. Carry on your own breathing mask first!

For more information about RN, CNA’s, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here.

Staying Healthy as a Medical Professional is a very rewarding and efficient way to create goals for yourself. Many healthcare professionals entered the field because they wanted to encourage themselves to have better health goals. 

With the demands of work, the combination of our home and personal lives, it can be hard to manage our own health. It feels like there’s no time to manage our health when life becomes really busy.

Burnout as a Medical Professional


There are many studies that show that medical professionals aren’t doing a good job of maintaining good physical health. There are multiple studies that show doctors and nurses with chronic or ongoing conditions. 

These studies also show burnout in doctors and nurses. Burnout is the number one cause for bad physical health. It causes you to slow down, and make you exhausted enough to not take care of your health. 

In addition to these findings, they also create a huge risk for our healthcare workers and the future of the medical industry. Here is a guide to how doctors, nurses and practitioners can better take care of their health for the future of the healthcare industry, and their own future.

Choosing Healthier Options as a Medical Professional


The best way to change an old habit is to start with a small change. Once you start with the small change, you can repeat it until it becomes a healthier choice. It’s hard to change the stresses of work, but it is easier to change your diet so you can better operate in your job position. If you are going too fast and skip breakfast getting ready for work, try setting aside time to eat breakfast. 

Introducing more nutrient dense foods will make you feel much happier while you’re at work. If you regularly go out to lunch, try packing a lunch and cutting back on fast food. You’ll be able to save money and feel better when you return to work. It’s a little crazy how we tell our patients this information but do not do the same for ourselves.

Physical Activity


There are many hospitals and medical facilities that provide employees access to their gyms. You could try and slip in a short weight routine while you’re on your break. While you may not want to take up more time on your break, walking is a great way to get exercise in during your work day. 

Even on your off time and off days, it’s very important to take breaks. Taking a break is also good for your mental health. Being able to take even 15-30 minutes breaks during the day will significantly improve your health. 

Wearing something like a fitbit or an apple watch can significantly increase your awareness of your physical health. There are apps that track everything. Your weight, miles or steps you’ve taken, even food and diet. There are also meditation apps that you can utilize in your day when you take breaks. Make sure to take advantage of these tools. It will help you reduce or completely eliminate burnout.

Alcohol and Smoking


There’s still a large influx of doctors and nurses who smoke and drink extraneously. These things can be hard to overcome. Fortunately, there are things they can do through your Human Resources department that can help. Human Resources can also help you if you are struggling with nicotine or alcohol consumption. Since you work for a healthcare organization, they already work very hard to put these practices in place. 

One way to improve your physical health would be to work less. You could consider working per diem or change to a medical practice or somewhere with a slower pace. Make sure to be taking care of your mental health just as much as your physical health.


It’s a very interesting time to be a medical staffing agency. Especially concerning staffing trends in healthcare. Especially in this day and age. It’s a really difficult time as well. How should we as staffing professionals keep up with the newest trends and protocol that come with our industry? There are many standards we have to uphold and regulations that have to be met. Here are some staffing trends in healthcare to be aware of.

Regulations and Staffing Trends in Healthcare


In a lot of ways, there are many regulations in the healthcare industry. It’s expected for staffing trends in healthcare. The healthcare industry deals with people’s lives every second of every day. Staffing industries need to have very fine tuned organization and handling skills. They have to take care of credential and certification compliance. Its different for operating in any area of the United States. 


This is very important. This plays a big role in how a medical staffing stays legally regulated as well. Medical staffing agencies will need to do this to keep their patients happy as well. 


There are many agencies and companies that have been able to create short term solutions. These solutions are for regulations and credentialing. Though, it is difficult to create long term solutions. They also need to grow with these kinds of businesses in this industry.  This is because the staffing industry is very complex.


Digital space and files are completely necessary in order to store information. You need a separate space and system for all of your client’s certifications and credentials.

Decreased Employment in Healthcare


First, employment trends and patterns aren’t new or exclusive to the medical staffing industry. A lot of staffing experts agree that it can fluctuate very drastically. This happens in the medical field because its problems are complex. The amount of empty spots that need to be filled is way more than the amount of people available. Including those that are ready and certified to fill a job position. 


This means that the healthcare industry is one of the most vocationally competitive industries in the job market. There needs to be a process in place for people to ease into their jobs. They need to receive more than just proper education. They also need to receive proper department specific training.


You may work for an agency that can’t meet these requirements. This is because prospective clients will find another agency to find a job.

Problems are Slowing Down Staffing in Healthcare


Many staffing problems are quite exclusively unique to its industry and field. There are major setbacks to this. Traditional staffing practices aren’t always fully equipped to handle these tendencies. Credentialing and office work is a very big part of the staffing industry. 


Then, this will make many agencies think about building their own systems. This requires your internal workforce to act in the same brevity. Including employment, credential and certification software. You and your agency will need to come up with a plan. Put these systems in place. Congregate with your team and plan. 


The staffing industry is constantly changing. Your agency will need to adapt to these changes. Meet with your team and organize these systems. Take time to talk to your boss and coworkers.



The coronavirus has been ruthless. The world has been caught off guard by how sudden the corona virus affected many different aspects of everyday life. One industry that’s been affected the most is the staffing industry. They are also figuring out how to navigate this new way of living. 


The coronavirus and the negative impact it had increased the amount of unemployed Americans there are, by more than 14 million. It’s not much better in other countries where staffing agencies will face a lot of difficulties trying to remedy the workforce shortage. Employers will want to try and match


What should the staffing industry be doing right now during the pandemic? How should it be treating this pandemic and the up and coming changes in the industry? Also, what would be some pro’s concerning a staffing company during these times?


These questions are hard to navigate, so let’s find out what we can do to answer them. Let’s see how the staffing industry is currently handling these problems.

Effects of The Coronavirus on Staffing Agencies


A lof of people in the workforce usually don’t realize this but the staffing industry is incredibly big. The entire staffing industry as a whole generates half a trillion dollars a year. This makes it one of the biggest business to business industries in the world. 


The affect of the staffing industry is a huge plus for the Human Resources industry. They go hand in hand. A huge percentage of staffing companies have reported a decrease in revenue. We are seeing number in the 90-100% percentile at a consistent rate.

The Coronavirus and Employment


Even though staffing agencies are going through a lot right now, even through decrease in revenue and employment, this still is a vital part of the business industry. We can still observe the affects staffing agencies are having on the business world in Employment. 


Everyone in the workforce right now needs to know one simple fact, they are still valuable and being jobless is not a part of their identity. It’s a part of a circumstance that they are not at fault for.  As far as human resource and staffing agencies go, it’s your job to keep in touch with those people, because you never know when they will be the perfect fit for a position in the company you hire people for. 


The first thing to do would be to create a new staffing strategy to hire the right people during this difficult time. After you do that, you can let prospective and current clients know about your plans to hire moving forward.


Use all social media, human resource tools and sites available to you online.  You may start out with SMS texting campaigns. Or even use an instant messaging service. Post something on LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, or even Facebook to collect resumes. Our suggestion is to set up a business account with a virtual, video meeting service that will help you conduct interviews in a more productive and safe way.


Educate Your Staff


Your team members need to be informed as much as possible about work processes during this time of hiring. Here are some tips to make sure your team is working efficiently as possible. 


Teach your staff how to respond to inquiries in a responsible way. Something that creates trust between your staff and potential candidates for your company(s).


Teach the proper work processes for hiring people during a pandemic. 


Realize that your employees represent your business so they need to be professional, even in a pandemic during these stressful times. 



Whether  you’re looking into new statistics affecting the staffing industry, or training your own staff on how to be Human Resource experts, remember that we are all going through this pandemic right now. Even after almost a year of this virus, we are all still learning how to adapt to this.


Per Diem Healthcare Jobs for Nursing, Allied Health, and Healthcare Professionals

nurse staffing agency

What is Per Diem: Nursing And Healthcare Jobs With Flexible Options

Life has so many moving parts and sometimes having more flexibility to decide where and when you want to work is an important goal for you. Per Diem can be a great asset to many healthcare professionals looking for more freedom in their healthcare career. Some of the benefits can range from earning great pay and receiving benefits, to having the freedom to be selective on where and when you work. If this is the style of work you’re looking for, then Per Diem is for you.

Understanding the difference between Per Diem vs part-time can be confusing. The part-time staff has a schedule, but usually less than what is considered full-time. Per diem means “as needed.” Although with Per Diem you don’t get guaranteed hours, you may work just as much as a full-time employee. Usually, the position is more like a substitute for vacations, sick days, and any other reason for being short-staffed.

These PD jobs are often created with the need to fill short-term staffing gaps. Another reason that these jobs become available is to also provide additional coverage during busy times. Typically the needs are for a same-day shift, block booking situations a few weeks out and at times longer contracts. Some options for nursing healthcare placement include temp-to-perm and direct hire.


Benefits To Per Diem Nursing Or Allied Health Jobs

Our team can help support you with several job opportunities that meet your desired career goals.

  • Great pay. Supplement your part-time or full-time work with additional hours. While some people pick up shifts in addition to their existing jobs, many healthcare professionals choose to work only months out of the year; others make per diem work their full-time career.
  • Work-life balance. Because you have control over your schedule, you choose when and where you want to work. Pro Med Healthcare Services specialize in both short and long-term contracts.
  • Job experience. By working in a variety of facilities and environments, you’ll gain career-advancing skills and experience. We offer top-quality healthcare jobs at great locations. Search healthcare jobs now.
  • The ability to explore. Whether you’re considering a career move or simply want to test the waters in different specialties, departments, or healthcare facilities, per diem is a great way to explore new roles or employers.

per diem nursing


For more information about healthcare job opportunities visit here.

It is highly important to maintain professionalism online and be mindful when engaging on social media.

Social media can cause potential problems for healthcare professionals and even case disciplinary actions by an employer. At times the nursing board of your state may even step in if certain HIPAA regulations are violated on social media. Read more about how social media can work for you and not agast you as a professional in the healthcare industry. 

Social media channels continue to emerge and are an ever-growing stream of communication tools online. From Facebook to LinkedIn, there are countless opportunities to connect professionally and personally with others. (LinkedIn alone has more than 575 million users!) Social media networks often are used in a fun and useful way to catch up with friends and family.  These online outlets are also becoming an important tool for employees and employers. 

As professionals in healthcare, using social media to learn what’s new in nursing education, patient care, and more is becoming even more common. Social media is being used as a networking tool, learning valuable information, and searching for job opportunities.

A great way to use social media is to showcase skill sets and expertise. Professionals can connect and interact with each other searching and sharing new career opportunities.

Having a Facebook and Linkedin profile for our personal life is great, but you can also use it to create new career opportunities, It is important to understand the difference when it comes to using social media both personally and professionally, the rules are not the same. It is extremely imperative for healthcare professionals to maintain professionalism. Something that may seem harmless as a post or picture can give away confidential information. This is why recognizing situations that could be social media concerns for healthcare professionals and avoiding them.

Being Mindful

When it comes to social media a great statement to keep in mind is, “think before you speak”. To avoid costly social media situations as a healthcare professional, a great tactic is to stop and think before you post or share online. Everything you do online is available to everyone to read and share. That is why when you post something you keep in mind that you’re not only representing yourself but colleagues, employers, and the profession.

Read more about some great tips on being mindful when using social media channels as a healthcare professional.

  • Learn about your employer’s social media policies.
  • Never talk or share information about patients.
  • Ask before you share anything that has your coworkers in it.
  • Be mindful of any pictures and what is included in them. (papers with confidential information on it)
  • NEVER share confidential information!
  • Be professional online with every encounter.
  • When commenting about your workplace, coworkers or boss be mindful.
  • Consider ethical issues when posting content.
  • Always be aware of all HIPAA violations.
  • When being friends or “friending” patients after discharge be cautious

Always be mindful of the differences between your personal and professional lives, including your online relationships. Ultimately, you’re responsible for setting and keeping to the boundaries between the two.

For more information about RN, CNA’s, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here.

There are so many benefits when working with a healthcare staffing agency, learn about 6 big benefits below. All nursing practitioners should be enthusiastic about their job opportunities, with the nation’s healthcare needs at an all-time high. But although it can be intriguing to switch jobs, no one has ever claimed it was easy. This is why working closely with a healthcare recruiting company is the perfect way to find the next nursing career.


1. Career seeking is a skill

Unfortunately, despite being highly skilled in their profession, many people are struggling to find a suitable job. In many cases, the problem is not their lack of knowledge in their job, but their lack of skills in finding a job. Job-seeking isn’t like riding a bike; whether it’s been years (or even months!) since you changed careers, the work market might have changed dramatically. Job-seeking needs a basic

2. A staffing agency is your support system

Your relationship with your healthcare recruiter doesn’t finish when you get a fantastic job placement. Staffing agencies have long-term relationships with their clients, and your recruiter can keep providing career advice whether you find a job or not. When your expectations are clear, your recruiter will be able to guide you to future career goals s well!

3. Your recruiter stands up for your rights

Negotiating salaries and other compensation benefits can be a dark and mysterious topic for several job-seekers. The specialists at your healthcare staffing agency, on the other hand, know the job market better than anyone else and can help you negotiate the best possible salary.

4. More flexibility for you

Are you perhaps interested in full-time positions, or are part-time and per-diem work appealing to you? Would you rather have a temporary contract or a travel contract? While health professionals have almost unlimited choices open to them, the typical job-seeker does not have the tools or contacts required to explore all their choices. A healthcare staff agency, on the other hand, will give you access to a wide range of options.

5. The Secret Jobs

Not every job opportunity makes is open on the market. Since hiring managers want to fill positions as quickly and effectively as possible, they may be able to tell the recruiter about their wants well before posting the job publicly. If you work with a healthcare staffing agency, you will have access to this secret job market. If you don’t it stands that someone else would get your dream job before you even knew it existed.

6. A Good Fit

Recognize: that you and your skills are beneficial, and you wouldn’t have to play lesser role in the recruitment process. 
Taking constructive role in seeking career will help you discover more than career to fill, but also position 
that suits your needs.

The need for Registered Nurses, Licensed Practical Nurses, Certified Nursing Assistants is high demand. Please consider rising to the occasion and help to flatten the curve. If we work together, we can stay healthy and rise above the threat of this pandemic.

Hear more from our team and how we can help you achieve your healthcare career goals! Learn More

For more information about RN, CNA’s, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here.


6 Ways to support our healthcare professionals


More then ever we need to stand behind our healthcare professionals as they sacrifice so much for our country! Learn about 6 ways we can help them during Covid-19!

1. Share a social-media shout out to nurses.

Knowing you appreciate their dedication and care enough to thank them will give you the strength to face another change in your life to an exhausted nurse.

2. Donate what supplies are available.

Such as gloves, surgical masks, or hand sanitizer — please call your local healthcare facilities to see if they could use a donation. If not, ask what you can donate instead.

4. Call a local unit to arrange for a take-out delivery.

Be mindful and first reach out directly with a unit manager to arrange this, as COVID-19 can live on surfaces! Some hospitals may not allow outside deliveries but directly from restaurants! Be sure to ask before you do anything!

5. Donate on GoFundMe. GoFundMe is teeming with people who need financial assistance in the wake of COVID-19. Check out:

6.  Drop off groceries, essentials, and supplies to their house.

Do you know nurse? Chances are they haven’t been able to do lot of shopping recently and many online grocery buying capabilities have been closed down momentarily as stores catch up and restock. Now might be perfect time to see if any nurses you know need to drop few supplies to their home.

They’re just like us and never forget it!

Bear in mind that nurses are human too. And last but not least, let us note that, just like anyone else, nurses are going through this with heightened challenges. I’ll be the first to say that nurses are more than ever our real-life versions of superheroes, but let’s not forget they aren’t superhuman.
Nurses, particularly those who are currently working on the front lines — need to be told that we understand the challenges they face, the uncertainty that they’re only going to work, and that nobody expects them to risk 
their own safety for our own.
For more information about RN, CNA’s, and other healthcare job opportunities visit here.